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Understanding Your Property Financials

Wednesday, August 18, 2021
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)
31 Seats Remaining

Event Details

Would you like to better understand how the financial side of your property works?

Do you know how to manually calculate basic numbers in case your property management system goes down?

Wouldn’t it help to better understand why and how financial decisions are made?

Join us for this workshop to hear the answers to all those questions and more!

When: 8/18/2021 9 - 12 PM

Cost: $99 for Members; $139 Non-Members

Where: Loebsack & Brownlee Education Center

Instructor: Mindy McCorkle

Attendees will learn:

• How and why the financial status of the property is important to and controllable by every site associate, regardless of role or title.

• Understand the concepts, calculations, use, and impact of basic financial numbers and KPIs including leased %, occupancy, closing ratio, renewal percentage, traffic needed to reach leasing goals, and more.

• The practical application of these fundamental calculations

• Skills to help preserve the financial health of the property 

& more!!

Mindy M

Mindy McCorkle spent decades directing operations for property management companies before she started Enhancement Talent Development where Mindy focuses on identifying and enhancing talent through workshops, seminars, keynote presentations, individual coaching and consulting. She has more than 30 years of experience in management, sales, operations and leadership but don’t let that fool you! She's refreshing and original and has a motivational presentation style.