COVID Liability Waiver
Any public space where other people are present holds an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 and other communicable diseases. By attending this event, I agree to voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure and agree to not hold GCAA or any of their affiliates including partners and sponsors, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, volunteers, or sponsored venues liable for illness. I will take necessary precautions while in attendance including, but not limited to, engaging in appropriate social distancing, wearing a mask in public areas when not consuming food or beverage, minimize face touching, frequently washing hands, and avoiding risky environments such as overcrowded bars or restaurants. I agree to not attend any GCAA event, class or meeting if I feel ill or had recent exposure to a COVID-19 case.
- If you are sick, caring for an ill person, or may have recently been exposed to COVID-19 we ask that you stay home for self-quarantine.
- Face masks that fully cover both the nose and mouth at all times are REQUIRED AS NECESSARY BY JURISDICTION AND/OR VENUE. We will provide one-time use masks to attendees that do not arrive with their own.
- Social distancing must be maintained at all times (6 ft. is the magic number).
- Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer often, especially after touching high traffic areas.