Virtual Superstar Assistant Manager Training with Mindy McCorkle
Event Details
When: June 9, 2020 9am - 12pm (Registration begins at 8:30)
Members: $99 Non-Member: $139 CECs: 3
Speaker Mindy McCorkle
After a ten-year career in fashion retail and merchandising, Kate Jarrell joined the multifamily industry in 2012. Holding several titles from property manager to director of marketing, Kate now oversees marketing efforts for the Real Estate Division of BGSF and supports over 50 national hubs in social media campaigns, paid marketing efforts, marketing training, client communication and internal employee engagement. Moving forward, Kate will continue to shape the multifamily industry as well as the marketing field at-large using her unique fusion of creativity and innovation. Kate is a NALP and CAM designate, an educator for the Greater Charlotte Apartment Association, a part-time blogger and full-time Instagrammer.
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