HUD Official Hears About Section 8 Challenges

Posted By: Lindsay Reusser Government Affairs, Industry News,

On Tuesday, August 13, GCAA stakeholders met with Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (PDAS) of HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing, Rich Monocchio, to discuss ideas about how to improve the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program. This is the first of many conversations PDAS Monocchio will have with other apartment associations throughout the country. Through a partnership with the National Apartment Association (NAA), his tour includes stops in Boston, MA; Cleveland, OH; El Paso, TX; Lansing, MI; Las Cruces, NM; and Tampa Bay, FL. These conversations are an attempt to advance The Choice in Affordable Housing Act and bring about positive changes to the HCV Program. According to NAA, housing provider participants experience inconsistent support from public housing authorities on issues like inspections, rent rates, and renter screening.

During the convening, Monroe Housing Authority Executive Director, Dominque Dunn, discussed the need for more apartments to participate in the program. She talked about the personalized service her organization gives to rental housing providers and the efforts she puts in to ensuring that inspections happen in a timely manner. Local owner-operators discussed the challenges the program brings. One owner-operator mentioned failing an inspection due to paint on a light plate. Both the Monroe Housing Authority and owner-operators were surprised to learn about the amount of misinformation that is being spread about the HCV Program. Through thoughtful discussion, PDAS Monocchio helped local stakeholders gain understanding about the triumphs and downfalls of Section 8.

For more information on the Section 8 HCV Program, click here.