New HCV Inspection Protocols Released

Posted By: Lindsay Reusser Government Affairs, Industry News,

The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV) has switched to the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE). Inspectors will use the new NSPIRE standards to determine if a rental home participating in the HCV Program is livable. The former Housing Quality Standard (HQS) system had not been updated in decades.

The new NSPIRE standards are based on a low, moderate, severe, and life-threatening evaluation scale. A low rating means a housing provider has passed without additional repairs needed for the property. Moderate and severe ratings require repairs within 30 days, and life-threatening defects within 24 hours. Examples of life-threatening defects include a missing carbon monoxide alarm, a damaged exit sign or fire extinguisher, a gas or oil leak, or a missing guardrail.

 The updated standards will focus more on the welfare of the residents and less on the property's appearance. Rental property owners no longer need to stress about paint on light switches and can focus on providing quality, affordable housing. The inspectable areas for multifamily will include the parking lot, common-use exterior, building exterior, common-use interior areas, and apartment units. Click here to learn more about the NSPIRE checklist, score calculator, and more.